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Tutorials for Nefsis Video Conferencing
Tray Icon, Contact List & Groups

Using the Nefsis Tray Icon & Contact List

The Nefsis web and video conferencing tray icon and contact list make it even easier and faster to jump into your conference room and invite co-workers to your online meeting. Except for custom configurations, Nefsis installs a tray icon for you (see lower right-hand corner of your screen) to help you automate logging-in. You can click on the tray icon to enter your own conference room, view contacts, and send pop-up messages to your coworkers.

How to Automate Logging In

Tray Icon
How to use the Nefsis tray icon to automate logging-in and entering your meeting room. (Run time 45 seconds)

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How to Use Nefsis Presence, Contact List & Groups

Contacts & Groups
How to add contacts and groups in the Nefsis contact list.
(Run time 1 minute, 31 seconds)

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How to use the Nefsis presence feature.
(Run time 1 minutes, 24 seconds)

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Change Settings
How to add or change your photo, and make othersettings in the contact list.
(Run time 2 minutes, 29 seconds)

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Sending Pop-Up Messages for Quick Meetings

Send Pop-Up
How to send pop-up messages using the tray icon and contact list
(Run time 1 minutes, 17 seconds)

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Using Expert View

Scheduling Conferences & Setting Conference Room Controls

Switch to Expert View
See how to change your tray icon setting to expert view. The expert view controls apply when you want to go beyond using 'my conference room' as your only online meeting space. You can create scheduled conferences, create conference room templates, set specific conference room controls, and see all your scheduled conferences.
(Run time 2 minutes, 51 seconds)

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Feel free to contact us for free Nefsis training or assistance with any of the features above.