Experience the next generation of on-demand web & video conferencing



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Nefsis® Announces the Only FIPS 140-2 Compliant
Web & Multipoint Video Conferencing Solution

New on-premise, Dedicated Server Edition provides additional
access, routing, and security controls for government customers

San Diego, California — September 29, 2009 — Nefsis® announced today the first shipments of Nefsis web and video conferencing, Dedicated Server Edition. Nefsis simplifies the video conferencing process through the use of ordinary desktop PCs, off-the-shelf video peripherals, and general office Internet access. The new Dedicated Server Edition is a customer-premise, installed software product that provides additional security controls as required by FIPS 140-2. Government IT organizations that are attracted to the travel reduction, green computing, and teamwork benefits of online meetings, can now take advantage of these benefits while adhering to FIPS security polices, where mandated.

The Nefsis Dedicated Server Edition is a managed server that provides a secure online meeting environment, including the functionality normally provided by a multichannel unit (video MCU or MUX) in room-based systems. The Dedicated Server Edition also provides more site-specific controls than generic online meeting services, such as server physical access restrictions, custom network routes, the use of customer-provided certificates, plus options for signing and encryption key lengths and algorithms.

The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) govern non-military U.S. government agencies and their contractors; and FIPS 140 covers communications and cryptographic requirements.

FIPS 140-2 compliance has not been widely available among web and video conferencing products. FIPS requires that certificates and message authentication code meet federal standards, and mandates strong ciphers, AES, 3DES and SHA hashes, and exclusively TLS connections, among other restrictions. These technical requirements have limited availability among web and video conferencing products that are more widely deployed throughout organizations, or used over the Internet.

Now, the Nefsis Dedicated Server Edition delivers all these options so customers can enjoy high-quality, secure video conferencing across desktops, conference rooms and executive boardrooms — anywhere PCs and network access are available. In addition, Nefsis is broadly compatible with off-the-shelf video peripherals, which can significantly lower the cost of a video conferencing installation.

"In our product category, FIPS compliance was typically limited to room-based, hardware-only systems, but not anymore," said Tom Toperczer, VP Marketing, Nefsis. "Besides delivering FIPS compliance in a more affordable solution, Nefsis expands the reach of secure web and video conferencing beyond the boardroom to most desktop PCs," he added.

About Nefsis
Headquartered in San Diego, California, Nefsis is a next generation web and video conferencing software and online service solution designed for effortless, corporate and government online meetings. Nefsis multi-core, parallel processing technology accelerates desktop sharing and multipoint video, connecting employees, customers and business partners anywhere they have Internet access. For more information, please browse the Nefsis website or call (858) 715-0970.


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