Depending on how a conference has been set up, there can be up to 13 different privileges in a conference. These privileges can be given or taken away from any conference attendee by a Host.
You can give or remove specific privileges from attendees by the following steps.
What is the Control Focus privilege...
The Control Focus privilege gives the attendee the ability to choose what page or slide is being viewed. The privilege is shown as a yellow-and-white arrow next to your name in the user-list.
The Control Focus ensures that whatever page or slide you're on, will also be viewed by other conference attendees.
Give the Control Focus privilege...
- While in a Nefsis conference (as a Host)...
- Right-click on an attendee in the user-list
- Select Privileges -> Control Focus (so it is ticked)

NOTE: When you have the Control Focus privilege, you will automatically get View Thumbnails, View Any Share, View Any Page privileges.
Remove the Control Focus privilege...
- While in a Nefsis conference (as a Host)...
- Right-click on an attendee in the user-list

- Select Privileges -> Control Focus (so it is un-ticked)
NOTE: Only Hosts in the conference can promote and demote other attendees.