Features & Suggestions / Recurring meetings
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3/4/2011 1:10:57 PM Reply with Quote

We have quite a few monthly or biweekly meetings. Is there a way to schedule a recurring meeting room? One that is only open during specified dates and times, but is available on the calendar/list?

3/7/2011 7:50:59 AM / Edited 3/7/2011 7:51:14 AM by Nefsis Customer Care Reply with Quote

Yes - You can setup meetings to occur daily, monthly or weekly. You can find those options by logging into the portal page. Selecting 'Edit' next to the conference in question and then select the 'Advanced' button. From there select 'Schedule' and you will see the following options.

3/8/2011 9:11:51 AM Reply with Quote

Great, thanks! Is there anyway to do a setting like "every third Friday" type of recurrence? Our meetings are not set by date, but by day of the week/week of the month.

3/8/2011 2:24:48 PM Reply with Quote

Currently monthly meetings reoccur on the same date the following month.

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