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Your Own Web Conferencing and Online Meeting Room

If you have a...
•  browser
•  Internet access
•  desktop

Then hold online meetings today with anybody, anytime, anywhere.

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10th Anniversary

Established 1998 

Letter from the CEO: Successfully serving our customers for over 10 years.

Online Meetings via Multipoint Video Conferencing

Nefsis World Class Video Conferencing, Online Meeting, and Web Conferencing Services for Business

The advantages of Internet video conferencing and secure online meetings are many. You can get started in minutes, not days or months. And you get to use Internet access, desktops and conference rooms you already have. No hassling your meeting participants either, all they have to do is launch their web browser and click on a link. If they want to be on-camera too, virtually any third-party webcam or PC video peripheral will do. We do all the rest: providing our proxy and firewall compatible real-time communications technology, near-by server cloud, and secure online service. To get started, just click on FREE TRIAL and create your own account. You'll be conferencing in no time.

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