Features & Suggestions / Dedicated server - please more confidential environment
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1/5/2010 3:29:32 PM Reply with Quote

We have a dedicated server for webconferencing solution. I created a Personal Page for my organization to provide epop feeling and comfortable access. Our business type is Law office. We use web conferencing to meet with clients in a confidential environment. It is essential for us to show this confidentiality for webclients.

1. In the current solution I should send a link to the client to ask for join a conference with URL of ...nefsis.com/.... instead of mydomain.com

2. I can hide my Personal Page to appear as .... .mydomain.com but if the client wants to check she/he will found as third party site was accessed.

3. In the contact client (PCsetup.exe .281) at the Start page My meeting room link is contain the access password which is visible for everyone staying around my monitor. This row is only a hyperlink.

1. I dont have suggestion how to link mydomain in the conference link but probably You can solve this similarly to "hide" Personal page (DNS referencing to Nefsis IP address).
But when the client connected to my dedicated server this appear on the Address line as IP address instead of DNS name. I guess this is occured because the Deployment settings (VCS registered address) which is not editable and didnot resolved by DNS name.
Is it possible to resolve registered address and use that for Address line?

2. We have a VCS server with opened http port. I can access a white page on this server.
Is it possible to create and appear Personal Page on this site?

3. The hyperlink text can be changed to another text and the link can still working as planned.

1/6/2010 11:19:48 AM Reply with Quote

I'll try to respond to each point individually.

1. We support both formats. In order to use your own primary domain (eg: conference.mydomain.com) you would need to add a DNS record that resolves the domain to the IP address of the nefsis.com web server. Note that using a custom primary domain will result in the browser address not matching the SSL certificate if a user browses to your portal page securely.

2. I'm not sure I understand this issue. We would like to think users would be more concerned with the performance and usability of the software than the server which provides web content. Is this not the case?

3. This is intentional. The URL that appears on the Start tab is the same URL that will be sent in any of the invitation options on the Start tab.

1. We're reviewing the format of the URLs created and used by Nefsis, especially in regards to deployments. We've found a few inconsistencies that result in different invitation formats depending on how the invitation is created.

2. The VCS does have a minimalist web server which is only intended to assist participants with installation of the conferencing client and getting them connected to a conference. Hosting the portal content locally is not really feasible.

3. This is intended, but in the process of being refined. There are several different URLs that will allow you to join a conference. Our aim is to be more consistent with what links we use regardless of how the invitation is created.

1/7/2010 2:25:43 PM Reply with Quote

Thanks for the good answers.

I tried to show/suggest 3 problems/suggestion and You answered 2 times 3. But I found a lot of information in all of Your answers. Thanks. Maybe my poor english cause some misunderstanding. Sorry.

"1. We support both formats. In order to use your own primary domain (eg: conference.mydomain.com) you would need to add a DNS record that resolves the domain to the IP address of the nefsis.com web server. Note that using a custom primary domain will result in the browser address not matching the SSL certificate if a user browses to your portal page securely."

Is this means if we will change our settings at PersonalPage-URL then the Personal Page and the Conference links both will be appear in mydomain.com format? (Of course I need to point DNS to nefsis server before) Or Do we need to change at My Deployment-General-Domain for conference link?

2. I'm not sure I understand this issue. We would like to think users would be more concerned with the performance and usability of the software than the server which provides web content. Is this not the case?

We are generally satisfied with performance and usability. My idea is in deep relation in with the second 2. number where You answered: VCS web server is not proper place for Personal Page. I accept this answer.
3. This is intentional. The URL that appears on the Start tab is the same URL that will be sent in any of the invitation options on the Start tab.

Not definitelly same. I asked my users to send link without &password.... The password for participation on a meeting is part of trustship of the customer and avoid unauthorized participation. As I told You we are a law office. We using conferences (for example) to providing and documenting stakeholder meetings, where only authorized people should be participate. The password for this conferences are separately handled. Not in the mail of invitation and reminder. Documenting means recording, member identification and after electronic signing of recorded file we store as evidence for public or court - as necessary. This issue is answered below in number 3. From my part I support link without password and the password should be entered at the prompt of conference for everyone. Tha password will define the role we play in the conference. But every button in the GUI are welcome.

1. We're reviewing the format of the URLs created and used by Nefsis, especially in regards to deployments. We've found a few inconsistencies that result in different invitation formats depending on how the invitation is created.

2. The VCS does have a minimalist web server which is only intended to assist participants with installation of the conferencing client and getting them connected to a conference. Hosting the portal content locally is not really feasible.

3. This is intended, but in the process of being refined. There are several different URLs that will allow you to join a conference. Our aim is to be more consistent with what links we use regardless of how the invitation is created.

Summary: I preparing to point DNS as suggested. Then I will try the possibility of using mydomain.com format for Personal page and Conference link. I understood the problem with SSL cert. I forget VCS as webserver.

1/11/2010 12:52:50 PM Reply with Quote

Originally posted by Gyorgy Bosz 
Is this means if we will change our settings at PersonalPage-URL then the Personal Page and the Conference links both will be appear in mydomain.com format? (Of course I need to point DNS to nefsis server before) Or Do we need to change at My Deployment-General-Domain for conference link?

This is our intent. We're in the process of reviewing how conference links are created and shown, so what you see right now may not be reflected in the software currently. It should be much more uniform in the near future.

Originally posted by Gyorgy Bosz 
Not definitelly same. I asked my users to send link without &password.... The password for participation on a meeting is part of trustship of the customer and avoid unauthorized participation. As I told You we are a law office. We using conferences (for example) to providing and documenting stakeholder meetings, where only authorized people should be participate. The password for this conferences are separately handled. Not in the mail of invitation and reminder. Documenting means recording, member identification and after electronic signing of recorded file we store as evidence for public or court - as necessary. This issue is answered below in number 3. From my part I support link without password and the password should be entered at the prompt of conference for everyone. Tha password will define the role we play in the conference. But every button in the GUI are welcome.

This is something we can review. We do take confidentiality quite seriously. Until recently there was an issue in the VCS which prevented promoted hosts in a conference from sending invitations with the participant password in the hyperlink. This was caused intentionally because we did not want to send passwords to promoted users to help keep them confidential. While this did help keep conferences more secure, it presented a large usability problem for our customers: Promoted hosts were inviting users to conferences intentionally, but these users were unable to join because neither the host nor the participant had access to the password.

Our goal is to achieve a balance between accessibility and security, and I hope my explanation above gives some insight into our dilemma.

One possibility which you may use is the restricted registration feature of Nefsis. The hosts specifies email addresses they want to invite to a conference (these users do not need Nefsis accounts) and the users must follow a link in the invitation email to register for the conference. After registering the user will be sent a unique link that grants them entry to the conference. They will not be able to join through any other means, even if they know one of the passwords.

Restricted registration is currently available in Nefsis. Please see this section of our user guide for more information: Nefsis Invitations

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